Gary joined the program in June 2004 having served as a Conservation Police officer for 13 years with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and for 4 years as a Regional Director with the National Wild Turkey Federation. He served as Special Projects Coordinator with the program for nearly 15 years before becoming Director with the retirement of Director Laura Newell-Furniss. Gary has a love for the program that began when he first met Founder David Horne. They both shared a love for hunting and God’s great outdoors as well as a love for people. As a Game Warden so many times you were called to bad things but the Hunters for the Hungry program is the most wonderful way a hunter to “give back” to those less fortunate, to give them something to eat. Gary embraces this concept as just doing what God has commanded us all to do and that is to love, care for, and protect the resources he has given us, in the creatures and wildlife and especially God’s most precious resource, our fellow man. He cherishes the opportunity to work with hunters and non-hunters alike to touch people’s lives. He feels blessed to have relationships with so many individuals, businesses, the participating processors and feeding programs, as well as conservation and other organizations statewide, and the precious volunteers who support the program’s feeding efforts. Gary grew up in Franklin County but has been blessed to live, serve, and visit many areas of the state. He lives in Bedford with his family, his wife and hunting partner Angela, and two sons Logan and Bryce. Gary’s two hobbies include hunting and coaching baseball.
The Hunters for the Hungry is excited to announce the addition of Jason Schmitt to our program staff. Jason joined our program on December 9, 2024 and we are blessed to have him join us to enhance our services and to help with our various fundraising and outreach events.
Jason grew up in Lynchburg Virginia and served as a football coach at Brookville High School for 19 years. After 20 years as Warehouse Manager in Bedford he felt a calling to help others and serve those less fortunate. Having served in a volunteer role with Hunters for the Hungry for a number of years, he saw first hand how impactful the HftH organization is and feels blessed to be able to serve in his new position.
Jason lives in Goode on a working cattle farm with his wife Amanda and daughter Nora. He also serves as a Prostaff member with Tactacam and Drake Waterfowl Systems – ‘Ol Tom. He also runs his own video platform Struttin’ Obsessions, a YouTube channel dedicated to sharing his passion for the outdoors.
AMY DAVIS CLARK – Associate Director
Amy is a Bedford native of forty-five years and the proud mother of four gifts from God, Nick, Jordan, David, and Jayden. In her free time, she enjoys going to her kid’s ball games, fishing, kayaking, hiking and gardening.
She started her job with Hunter’s for the Hungry in March of 2019 but this program has been part of her life since she was a teenager. She met David Horne in 1990, who then became her brother-in-law in 1996. What a blessing and honor it was to witness the beginning of an endeavor and to now have become a part in its mission to help feed the needy all across the state! Amy thoroughly enjoys meeting all of the wonderful people who work with and support the Hunters for the Hungry effort. She handles putting together deposits, records, and data entry as well helping to coordinate efforts for all fundraising events.